23+ I Use Humor As A Coping Mechanism

People see humor and laughing as positive.
I use humor as a coping mechanism. Humor cracking jokes and laughing is not always appreciated. Placing a comical spin on dire circumstances that are outside one s control was an effective coping mechanism long before the. These women used humor as a coping mechanism and their ability to laugh at the world and its absurdities reflects a particularly healthy approach to life. The human gift for coping and survival laugh or fake it til you make it. You aren t supposed to crack jokes at a funeral or laugh cry your way to sleep. You can however better prepare yourself for stress with several coping techniques. Humor has long been recognized as more than mere fun and games.
There are laughter coaches and seminars teaching healthcare professionals how to use humor with patients. Unfortunately stress is inevitable and you can t eliminate it despite your best efforts. And you can t stop it once it starts without feel worse. Laughing at the humorous aspects of a stressful situation can help you to keep things in perspective and remind. Use of humor as a coping mechanism psychological adjustment and social interaction john b. They also completed the coping with humor scale and measures of depression social skills loneliness and. People who adapt by using humor minimize.
Use of humor as a coping mechanism psychological adjustment and social interaction article pdf available in humor international journal of humor research 14 4 395 413 january 2001 with. Here are some things you quickly realize when your coping mechanism is a humor laughing hybrid. Nezlek and peter derks abstract for two weeks 286 participants used the rochester interaction record to describe their social interactions. One of the main goals of finding the humor in a stressful situation is to use the humor to create distance between yourself and the stress you are experiencing.